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 Invitation & News from RKC - March 24th-25th, 2024
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RKC Mayapur



2313 Messaggi

Inserito il - 15/03/2024 : 16:16:40  Mostra Profilo  Rispondi Quotando
LEGGI IN ITALIANO https://padasevanam.mediarama.com/rkcforum/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2169

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24th-25th, March - GREAT GAURA PURNIMA FESTIVAL 2024
(click on images to watch live streaming from some temples)

Various Temples

Villaggio Hare Krishna

Villa Vrindavana


Radio Krishna Centrale
Virtual Temple

Operating Office c/o ISKCON Mayapur
741313 District of Nadia
West Bengal - India

FACEBOOK ITA: https://www.facebook.com/radiokrishnaitaly
FACEBOOK ENG: https://www.facebook.com/radiokrishnaenglish/

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SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/radiokrishna-com/sets

(Translated with Google, please forgive the mistakes)

Dear friends, Hare Krishna!

We are pleased to invite you all to participate in the great Festival of Gaura Purnima 2024 !

The party will be held on Sunday 24th or Monday 25th, March (depending on the geographical position) at the temples and main centers of the Hare Krishna movement.
Please contact your preferred one, to be informed about the program, possible physical participation, schedules etc.

The party could be moved or "replicated" on another date, canceled, kept private or broadcasted online only, due to government restrictions.
Please ask all needed information in detail, before visiting a temple or a center in person, thank you.

Check the list of centers here: https://centres.iskcon.org/

We will celebrate the appearance day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a manifestation of the Lord appeared 538 years ago in Bengal, India, to re-introduce the "sankirtana" movement, chanting of the holy name of God, through the maha mantra:

a transcendental sound vibration that anyone can experience, to get great benefits, both materials and spirituals. Visit this page for more information, meaning and audio samples of Hare Krishna mantra: https://padasevanam.mediarama.com/rkcforum/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2070

Later on 60s and 70s, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 32nd link in authentic chain of spiritual masters called "Brahma-Gaudiya-vaisnava-sampradaya", has expanded the same movement throughout the world, as founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (I.S.K.CON.).

You can follow the events broadcasted via Internet from some temple around the world:


For more information on Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His teachings, you can consult this book:

Happy Gaura Purnima festival !

Team @ RKC

RKC Mayapur



2313 Messaggi

Inserito il - 15/03/2024 : 16:19:14  Mostra Profilo  Rispondi Quotando
News from Radio Krishna Centrale are coming soon: stay tuned, Hare Krishna !
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